Stuart Canvas Blog

Rare Earth Mineral Factory Panel

Stuart Canvas was recently approached by LKAB, a leading global rare earth minerals supplier. In the company’s UK facilities, a solution was required to reduce manufacturing dust from spreading to different parts of the facilities main hall.  Spay, dust and other by-products of manufacturing can often course issues, as they have the potential to contaminate other manufacturing processes. Stuarts Canvas’s expert team created an innovative solution to create a seal from the roof of the factory down to an existing partition wall.

Stuart Canvas Factory Divider

A custom made panel was manufactured from 650gsm fire-resistant PVC, this it then secure to the roof of the factory using bespoke fittings. The made to measure PVC panels ensure that once fasten the partition wall the panels remain taught and create a strong seal.

Stuart Canvas can offer a wide range of storage partitioning and industrial cover solutions, all of our products are custom made and our expert team can advise on the best material and fittings to create a high-quality product.

LKAB’s minerals are used in over 45 different applications, including Building & Construction, Agriculture, Offshore & Energy, Paints, Polymers and Refractory. To find out more please

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