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Cricket Pitch Covers: Do they really make a difference?

Cricket pitch covers seem to have become an assumed necessity. If you play cricket on a pitch, you’ll need a cricket pitch cover.

But, why?

What makes cricket pitch covers so important? Other sports leave grounds open to the elements. What makes cricket pitches so special? Why does too much rain mean a cricket match can get cancelled? Why does it seem to focus on the space in the middle where the bowler and batsman stand?

For these questions and many others, here are some much needed answers.

Why do cricket pitch covers matter?

It’s all about the bounce.

When the bowler bowls (not throws!) the ball towards the batsman, the pitch needs to be firm and strong enough to get the right kind of bounce. Also, the pitch needs to be evenly smooth and firm. Too much variation is a problem.

This means the pitch needs controlled conditions and can’t be allowed to get either too wet or too dry. So you need a cover to control just how wet the ground can get.

Different pitches need different kinds of maintenance, depending on everything from climate to water table and many other factors. Regardless, every cricket pitch needs some kind of protection from the rain, or sometimes from too much sun.

Without a proper cricket pitch cover, play can get delayed, matches can get cancelled, and in the long term grounds can get ruined.

Why does rain mean a cricket match gets cancelled?

Safety and sportsmanship.

With the speeds achieved by running bowlers and balls thrown, too much wet and slippery grassy ground in the mix isn’t remotely safe.

Also, if the ground becomes too wet or too dry, play as a whole becomes less predictable. The way the ball bounces gets erratic, and play becomes more difficult for both batting and fielding teams. It’s all much less sporting as play becoming more about random luck than real skill. There are all kinds of opinions, ideas, and strategies about how wet, moist, or dry pitches favour batters or bowlers or different types of bowling techniques, but after a certain point things become too random. Altogether much fun for everyone involved.

What happens when a cricket pitch is too wet?

The pitch will absorb too much of the ball’s motion from when the bowler launches it, and there won’t be enough of a bounce.

What happens if a cricket pitch is too dry?

When the ball hits ground that’s too dry, each bounce cracks and shifts the surface soil. This makes everything uneven, and the ball starts bouncing too randomly and unpredictably.

Has a cricket pitch cover ever decided a match?

Several times!

Pitch conditions can be the difference between single matches, entire leagues, and even international tournaments.

At the 1975 Cricket World Cup semi-final, the pitch covers in Leeds didn’t protect the ground properly against the rain. The ground ended up drying out very unevenly, with some balls skidding out very low and others bouncing high. With these conditions largely favouring bowling teams, Australia took advantage, and England ultimately lost by just one run. A wet and uneven pitch made all the difference.

In 2019 the pitch was much drier than normal, which made the ball bounce more erratically, and the game as whole was much slower. Both teams found it harder to score runs, which lead to tie. This lead to the need for an extra super-over. Things were still tied after that, so the match was decided by how many boundaries were hit. This was such a controversial choice that the rules got changed later.

Possibly the most famous example is the Eden Fields case of the 1996 Cricket World Cup. Pitch covers were reportedly not properly placed the night before. The ground became dewy and wet, which combined with imported soil from Australia, made everything very difficult to manage. The match between India and Sri Lanka became such an unpredictable farce that a riot broke out! Something not often seen in the normally gentile sport of cricket.

Why doesn’t all the grass get covered?

Because the most important area is where the batsmen and bowlers play. That’s where the all important bouncing, batting, and wicket-hitting action can happen.

The rest of the field is important, but not in the same way. There is no bouncing out there after all.

The bit between batsmen and bowler is so very important in fact that this is the only part of the field that’s actually named the ‘cricket pitch’. The rest is known as either the ‘close infield’, or the ‘infield’, or ‘outfield’. Because these areas aren’t where the important bowl-to-bat action is happening, their protection is less important.

What kinds of cricket pitch covers are available?

Flat sheets and mobile pitch covers.

Flat sheets are, as their name suggests, large sheets of material that rest atop the ground, protecting the vulnerable pitch from rain falling from above. Sometimes these are simple sheets, while other times they can be inflatable expanses, quick to take shape and protect the ground.

Mobile pitch covers do the same, but act slightly differently. The material of a mobile cover is stretched across a wheeled frame (often made of metal) that can be moved into place. This means that the ground itself is protected by a cover that doesn’t actually touch the pitch itself, which also manages airborne moisture inside, and lets air circulate, keeping the pitch fresh.

Which type is better?

That entirely depends on your cricket pitch cover needs.

Here are some important questions to ask when choosing an option

How much space do you have to store your cover?

Flat sheets can be rolled up and stored much more easily than mobile cricket pitch covers, which might be modular, but still consume a lot of room.

How many grounds-able people do you have to hand?

Flat sheet pitch covers are hard to deploy with just one or two people, they need a team effort. Mobile covers can be rolled into place by just one person.

How big a budget do you have for your cricket pitch cover?

Generally flat sheet covers are more economical, however a mobile cover could still work well as a long term investment for your team, especially if it can definitely be stored securely and safely.

How much time can you set aside for ground sheet cleaning?

A flat sheet is much harder to clean than a mobile cover. It effectively needs to be deployed and wiped down. A mobile cover stays open all the time, and is easier to clean.

What kind of lifespan do you expect your pitch cover to have?

If you are looking for a product that could be replaced in the 2-3 year horizon, barring accidents a flat sheet could comfortably fit that window. However if you are needing something to last into the longer term, a mobile cricket cover might be more apt.

What type of grass is your cricket pitch made from?

If the grass is very light, thin, and hardy, then the stresses put on it from a flat sheet cover will not be a problem. However if keeping the grass growing stronger is more urgent, a mobile cover that stresses the grass less and lets air and heat move might be better.

How much rain do you get?

Both covers can protect you against the rain, but flat sheets take much longer to deploy (unless you are using an inflatable flat sheet pitch cover option). Mobile covers can be rolled back and forth much more quickly and easily. If your area gets a lot of rain, and you want something that can come on and off quickly, this could be something to consider.

How do you secure your pitch equipment?

Mobile cricket pitch covers often have to stay out in the open on the grounds, off too one side, whereas flat sheets can be rolled up and put inside a shed or other secured building. If your pitch area is well secured, you may not need to worry about leaving things out. However if you have any concerns about vandalism, a more exposed mobile cover might be a more difficult consideration.

What impact does a cricket pitch cover have for the pitch itself?

With a good pitch cover in play, the pitch itself is much better maintained, will last longer, and will play better games. With too much water the grass will overgrow and become unruly. Much too much water, and the ground may become waterlogged and muddy, and the grass may become diseased or even die. Proper pitch covering is essential for ongoing maintenance, and keeping your grounds sustainable.


Cricket pitch covers are more than just about what they protect. They’re about keeping the matches fair and exciting. That’s why choosing the right kind for your grounds is very important, which is why you need the help of experienced experts.

Stuart Canvas Group have been providing ground protection services all across the UK for over five decades. Speak to them today to find the best way to protect your pitch for optimum play and proper sportsmanship.

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